
PintaSeda helps you create your favourite memories last longer by customising products, on blankets, mugs, pillows, necklace, rock slate, jigsaw puzzles and many more!

Please just click the "CATALOG" on the upper page and you will be able to see all of our products.

We only provide the best quality products and service, our customers are our number one priority and we assure that you will receive our products with only excitement and satisfaction.

PintaSeda makes certain all of our products leaves our store with only the best quality you deserve!

I will be contacting you as soon as I receive your order. Thank you for shopping at PintaSeda.

Afterpay, ZipPay & Paypal are available upon check out.

Have a blessed day! x0xx

We minimised and limit our products to show on our shop, but if you want to see most of the products we made, please go to our Fb page, Thank you so much!


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